Friday, June 25, 2021

Weekly Message from Trinity Church


Greetings Trinity Family,

I pray that everyone in our extended church family is doing well.  The weather outside is delightful, and there are many signs of God’s creation present in our environment. 

You no longer need to RSVP for our in-person worship service on Sunday morning at 10:15. Please join us! 


The food pantry desperately needs laundry detergent.  Detergent and soap, along with toothpaste and toilet paper and all non-food items, cannot be purchased with SNAP benefits (food stamps.) Therefore, the pantry’s guests rely on the food pantry to provide expensive laundry detergent. If you are able to donate, please drop off items for the Daily Bread at the church.


We are now singing hymns in worship!!

The decision was made to continue to wear masks during our in-person services, at least until all the children are vaccinated. We’re still taking temps, distancing, and having sanitizer available. Thank you to everyone for their concern and diligence during this time.

Hopefully it won’t be much longer before all restrictions are lifted and everyone is vaccinated.


Several people have asked me if we are changing our worship time for the summer.  This summer, we will continue worshipping at 10:15. 


Lunch Bunch is our Tuesday afternoon Bible Study.  Everyone is invited to join us on Tuesdays at 12 pm.  Please bring your own lunch. (In the past, we had a potluck lunch, but for now each person will bring their own food.)  Lunch Bunch typically studies the portion of the Bible that will be the focus of our worship service on the upcoming Sunday. 


Trinity is having a delicious Chicken BBQ on Saturday, July 10! Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve the food.  It will be a drive-through dinner.  Please let Pastor Amelie or Harry know if you are able to help with the dinner.

Here is the link to order the food:

Each order will include ½ Barbecued Chicken, Corn on the Cob, Macaroni and Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes, Apple Sauce, Ice Cream Cup, Roll and Butter for only $12!

We strongly recommend that you preorder your meals.  If you have questions, please call the church: 610-584-4054.


We are looking for volunteers who are willing to learn how to live-stream the worship services.  If you are willing, please let Bill Vogl or Pastor Amelie know and we will show you how to do it.  There are a few steps involved, but most computer users will be able to easily learn the process.


On July 2, 2021, we will invite everyone to join together to sing Patriotic songs at the Skippack First Friday.  We will gather between 5 and 9 pm.  Ralien will lead us in singing old favorites.  Everyone is invited to join in the singing – our voices joined together will help us to prepare for the July 4th holiday and make some joyful noise.


Although things are not fully back to normal, Trinity’s expenses have continued throughout the pandemic.  We know that everyone’s work-life has been disrupted during this time and we don’t expect everyone to be able to contribute to the church in the amount you were able to contribute in the past.  If you have the means to contribute to the church, you may drop off your offerings during the Sunday Morning service, at the church office, or you may mail it to our address: Trinity Christian UCC; 2009 Church Road, PO Box 538, Skippack, PA 19474


We will be collecting school supplies and backpacks again this year for the children of our clients.

 Our biggest needs this year include backpacks - small - packs with cartoon characters, Disney or similar are very popular, medium and especially large backpacks since even middle school children carry a large quantity of books, 24 count packs of crayons, Fiskar children's scissors, boxes of 24 colored pencils. plastic pencil boxes, pencil cases with 3 holes to go into binders for the older children, composition books for elementary age school children, red pens, packs of 3x5 index card, packs of dividers for binders, 1" three-ring binders, folders with prongs, three-ring loose leaf filler paper, black dry erase markers, packs of dry erase markers containing 4 different colors, highlighters of any color, mechanical pencils, Sharpie markers, small pencil sharpeners, packs of Post-It notes and flash drives.

We will be distributing backpacks and school supplies at the food pantry throughout the month of August and will gladly accept donations through mid-August.

All donations can be delivered to the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry. There is someone there to receive donations Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. until Noon. Since we distribute food to clients on Wednesday mornings from 9 to 11 A.M. you might want to avoid those times.

You can also drop off school supplies at any time in the beige bin near the garage doors on the side of the food pantry. This bin is checked each morning by our volunteers. Thank you so very much for your dedicated and generous support of this project! We sincerely appreciate it!


Our Outreach committee is inviting everyone in our congregation to join us in sharing messages from the “Don’t Give Up” movement.  This outreach was started to encourage people who are considering suicide to not give up.  We have yard signs, postcards, stickers, and business cards with messages that say things like “You are Enough” and “Your Mistakes Don’t Define You.” These messages are especially important right now as many people are struggling with their mental and emotional health after the many months of our pandemic.  Please pick up yard signs at church and other signs to promote this message of love for our neighbors.  Here is more about the movement:


We continue to collect food and toiletry items for the Daily Bread Food Pantry.  They can be left at the doors of the church.

The Daily Bread's Current needs change every few weeks. This is their latest list of needs:

Personal Care: Laundry Detergent, Baby Shampo0, Baby Body Wash, Diaper Cream, Female Body Wash, Tissues *

Food: Juice canned or juice boxes

And any other items you wish to donate would greatly be appreciated!

*These items can’t be purchased with Food Stamps.


We now have in-person worship services in our sanctuary.  We are still checking temperatures, maintain social distance guidelines and wearing masks.

We are no longer offering a ZOOM worship service.

On Sunday mornings, you are also invited to join us on Facebook:

Join us for our Sunday morning hymn sing at 9:45 am live-streamed from the Trinity Christian UCC Skippack facebook page.

10:15 Facebook livestream Worship.  You can find us at our "Trinity Christian UCC Skippack" facebook page.


We have a Sunday morning Bible Study on ZOOM at 8:45 am.  Here is the link to log in:

Amelie Sell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Trinity's Wired Word Discussion Group
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 769 3381 3590
Password: 7qLSWw


Southeast PA Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (SEPA VOAD) is partnering with UCC Disaster Ministries and Eastwick United to recruit volunteers to repair and rebuild homes in the Eastwick neighborhood of Philadelphia.

On August 4, 2020, during the pandemic, TS Isaias dumped seven inches of rain on parts of eastern Pennsylvania. Wind damage and tornadoes left hundreds of thousands without power and widespread severe flooding led to injuries as well as one storm-related fatality.

 Covid concerns have left significant unmet needs in the impacted areas and especially in the Eastwick section of Philadelphia which has the highest concentration of damage to both structures and mechanical systems.

We anticipate receiving our first teams in early May, 2021

Along with following strict Covid guidelines on the worksites, the pandemic has also made it impossible for us to offer housing to volunteers. We are encouraging volunteers to commute from a radius of approximately 60 miles or to make their own housing arrangements in the area.

Project Focus: Repair and Rebuild; install heating systems and hot water heaters if licensed Contact: Judy Moore, Volunteer Coordinator 802-299-8290;

Group Size: 2 to 5 team members

Minimum Age: 18

Group Leadership: Skilled team leader and semiskilled assistant

Accommodations: None (due to Covid)

Cost: Housing (if teams are not commuting), transportation, food

Tools: Please bring general carpentry tools and a substantial first aid kit

Donations are deductible and always welcome: It is estimated that $320,000 will be required to meet the needs of the Eastwick community. To date $48,500 has been committed from the following organizations: Eastwick Neighbors and Friends Coalition, The Salvation Army, UCC Disaster Ministries, Lutheran Disaster Response – Eastern PA, and a local Go Fund Me effort.

Please earmark ‘Eastwick Recovery’ and send donations to: Eastwick Unmet Needs Roundtable St. Paul AME Church Ellwood 8398 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19153

All necessary information supplied upon contact.


If you would like to borrow a hymnal from the church, please let me know and I will arrange for you to receive one.


Trinity now has a blog where I am posting notes to the congregation and the text of my sermons.  If you would like to read these notes and messages, you can find them at:

I will “see” you in worship on Sunday!

Many blessings!!

Pastor Amelie

 ** Our artwork comes from a Manuscript Illustration of "Healing a Woman of an Issue of Blood." It is in the collection of the J. Paul Gettty Museum in Los Angeles. **

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Flourishing -- A Message for June 13, 2021


Scripture Reading            Mark 4:26-34

The Parable of the Growing Seed

He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 

Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 

All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 

As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come.”

The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? 

It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. 

Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”

With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. 

He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything.

Here ends this reading of the word of God for the people of God. Amen. 

When I was in Kindergarten, in the spring, we filled little Styrofoam cups with soil.  After we each carefully filled our cups, we were given 2 sunflower seeds and we planted them in our cups.  Each cup had a child’s name written on it.  Our teacher, Mrs. Daniels, collected our cups on a big plastic cafeteria tray and carefully placed the tray on a table next to a sunny window. 

Every day, we, the children, carefully peered into our cups.  Every few days, one of the children watered our seeds while being carefully supervised by Mrs. Daniels. We waited and waited…

And, then, a miracle seemed to happen.  Green appeared.  And, little shoots began to unfurl in each cup.  Our seeds had sprouted.

Gradually, our little plants grew taller.  And, then sprouted leaves. And, more leaves.  We carried our precious plants home on our school buses, carefully cradling them in our little hands.

After I arrived home with my sunflower plant, I planted it next to my front stoop.  And, I checked the plant’s growth….it grew taller than me!  After a few weeks, a sunflower appeared and opened up to the sun!

As a child, the growth of a little seed into a tall sunflower pant seemed like a miracle.  It still seems like a miracle.

In the first century, people lived much closer to the earth than we do.  Most people lived in agricultural setting. They grew their own food. They foraged for food that grew in the wild. If they had sheep or goats or chickens, sometimes their homes were built above their animal’s pens.

Jesus’s parables were based on real-life examples for the people to whom he spoke.  The crowds who surrounded Jesus had witnessed men scattering seeds in gardens.  Many of the people in the crowds were seed scatters themselves.  And, in the region of the Middle East the people lived in, they were familiar with mustard plants and mustard seeds – little seeds that grow into great big bushes that take over your field.  Jewish rabbis taught that mustard could only be planted special plots surrounded by walls.  If mustard was allowed to spread, it would take over all the fields that surrounded the original plants.  It was an invasive plant, but was grown for its spicy seeds and leaves.

I love the parable of the growing seed.  All Christians are called to be gardeners…..gardeners for the Kingdom of God. We are called spread the word of God like the gardener who scatters seed all over his field.  The gardener in the parable doesn’t know how the seed grows – he is not a trained botanist or biologist.   All he knows it that the seeds grow.

Most of us are not trained evangelists.  We haven’t majored in Christianity in college and we haven’t taken intensives on preaching the gospel or spreading the word of God. But, in my experience, people are suspicious of experts. I may be a tad sensitive, but I have been to jovial parties where the mood completely changed when it was mentioned that I am a minister. Apparently, I am an instant party pooper.  People expect me to invite them to church and talk to them about converting to Christianity. People are suspicious that I have an ulterior motive.

So, my friends, you are the people who are called to scatter the seeds. You are the people Jesus was talking to when he gave the great commission.  You are to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything (Jesus) have commanded you.”

Many of us are a tad intimidated to talk about our faith.  But, as seed scatters, we don’t have to be prepared to give a speech at the drop of the hat. Instead, we can be more subtle.  Wear your Trinity shirt at be prepared to tell people a little about our church.  Tell your book club about Ralien’s Sunday morning hymn sing and how much fun it is to sing along with favorite hymns. Stick a “Don’t Give Up” lawn sign in your yard to remind people we are not alone and things are getting better. If someone mentions they are looking for a church, tell them about our church. If someone mentions they are looking for a choir or a Bible Study or a place to get a Hoagie, tell them about Trinity’s choir and Lunch Bunch Bible Study and our hoagie sales.  Be prepared to mention our church or mention that you are a Christian as part of your random conversations with others.  Be prepared to scatter seeds.

The mustard seed story is also about the spread of God’s words and God’s teachings. Mustard seeds are little.  Yet, from one of those little seeds a great, bush will grow. And, the bush will be productive and make lots more little mustard seeds. Those seeds will spread through the air and through the water and plant more mustard bushes. And, those bushes will take over the land unless a very proactive gardener forces them to be contained.

God’s Holy Spirit can start out like a little seed in our hearts. But, when we share our faith with others, the Holy Spirit is spread to the next person and the next person and the next person. It is tenacious…it we allow the Holy Spirit to spread, it will take over the world.

God’s creation is a marvelous miracle. Out of a tiny seed, a forest will grow. With just a few kind words, and a subtle invitation, and a few kind acts, the word of God will spread. It is our work to scatter the seeds of the Christian faith.

May we do so with love. Amen. 

** Our Image is: Edal Lefterov, White Mustard Seeds. ***

Friday, June 11, 2021

Email to the Trinity Community from June 11, 2021

Greetings Trinity Family,

I pray that everyone in our extended church family is doing well.  The weather outside is delightful, and there are many signs of God’s creation present in our environment. 

You no longer need to RSVP for our in-person worship service on Sunday morning at 10:15. Please join us! 


We will begin singing hymns again in worship on Sunday, June 20!

The decision was made to continue to wear masks during our in-person services, at least until all the children are vaccinated. We’re still taking temps, distancing, and having sanitizer available. Thank you to everyone for their concern and diligence during this time.

Hopefully it won’t be much longer before all restrictions are lifted and everyone is vaccinated.


Several people have asked me if we are changing our worship time for the summer.  This summer, we will continue worshipping at 10:15.  


Lunch Bunch is our Tuesday afternoon Bible Study.  We will begin meeting again on Tuesday, June 22 at 12 pm.  Everyone is invited!  Please bring your own lunch. (In the past, we had a potluck lunch, but for now each person will bring their own food.)  Lunch Bunch typically studies the portion of the Bible that will be the focus of our worship service on the upcoming Sunday. 


We are looking for volunteers who are willing to learn how to live-stream the worship services.  If you are willing, please let Bill Vogl or Pastor Amelie know and we will show you how to do it.  There are a few steps involved, but most computer users will be able to easily learn the process.


On July 2, 2021, we will invite everyone to join together to sing Patriotic songs at the Skippack First Friday.  We will gather between 5 and 9 pm.  Ralien will lead us in singing old favorites.  Everyone is invited to join in the singing – our voices joined together will help us to prepare for the July 4th holiday and make some joyful noise.


Although things are not fully back to normal, Trinity’s expenses have continued throughout the pandemic.  We know that everyone’s work-life has been disrupted during this time and we don’t expect everyone to be able to contribute to the church in the amount you were able to contribute in the past.  If you have the means to contribute to the church, you may drop off your offerings during the Sunday Morning service, at the church office, or you may mail it to our address: Trinity Christian UCC; 2009 Church Road, PO Box 538, Skippack, PA 19474


We will be collecting school supplies and backpacks again this year for the children of our clients.

Our biggest needs this year include backpacks - small - packs with cartoon characters, Disney or similar are very popular, medium and especially large backpacks since even middle school children carry a large quantity of books, 24 count packs of crayons, Fiskar children's scissors, boxes of 24 colored pencils. plastic pencil boxes, pencil cases with 3 holes to go into binders for the older children, composition books for elementary age school children, red pens, packs of 3x5 index card, packs of dividers for binders, 1" three-ring binders, folders with prongs, three-ring loose leaf filler paper, black dry erase markers, packs of dry erase markers containing 4 different colors, highlighters of any color, mechanical pencils, Sharpie markers, small pencil sharpeners, packs of Post-It notes and flash drives.

We will be distributing backpacks and school supplies at the food pantry throughout the month of August and will gladly accept donations through mid-August.

All donations can be delivered to the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry. There is someone there to receive donations Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. until Noon. Since we distribute food to clients on Wednesday mornings from 9 to 11 A.M. you might want to avoid those times.

You can also drop off school supplies at any time in the beige bin near the garage doors on the side of the food pantry. This bin is checked each morning by our volunteers. Thank you so very much for your dedicated and generous support of this project! We sincerely appreciate it!


Our Outreach committee is inviting everyone in our congregation to join us in sharing messages from the “Don’t Give Up” movement.  This outreach was started to encourage people who are considering suicide to not give up.  We have yard signs, postcards, stickers, and business cards with messages that say things like “You are Enough” and “Your Mistakes Don’t Define You.” These messages are especially important right now as many people are struggling with their mental and emotional health after the many months of our pandemic.  Please pick up yard signs at church and other signs to promote this message of love for our neighbors.  Here is more about the movement:


We continue to collect food and toiletry items for the Daily Bread Food Pantry.  They can be left at the doors of the church.

The Daily Bread's Current needs change every few weeks. This is their latest list of needs:

Personal Care: Laundry Detergent, Baby Shampo0, Baby Body Wash, Diaper Cream, Female Body Wash, Tissues *

Food: Juice canned or juice boxes

And any other items you wish to donate would greatly be appreciated!

*These items can’t be purchased with Food Stamps.


We now have in-person worship services in our sanctuary.  We are still checking temperatures, maintain social distance guidelines and wearing masks.

We are no longer offering a ZOOM worship service.

On Sunday mornings, you are also invited to join us on Facebook:

Join us for our Sunday morning hymn sing at 9:45 am live-streamed from the Trinity Christian UCC Skippack facebook page.

10:15 Facebook livestream Worship.  You can find us at our "Trinity Christian UCC Skippack" facebook page.


We have a Sunday morning Bible Study on ZOOM at 8:45 am.  Here is the link to log in:

Amelie Sell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Trinity's Wired Word Discussion Group
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 769 3381 3590
Password: 7qLSWw


Southeast PA Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (SEPA VOAD) is partnering with UCC Disaster Ministries and Eastwick United to recruit volunteers to repair and rebuild homes in the Eastwick neighborhood of Philadelphia.

On August 4, 2020, during the pandemic, TS Isaias dumped seven inches of rain on parts of eastern Pennsylvania. Wind damage and tornadoes left hundreds of thousands without power and widespread severe flooding led to injuries as well as one storm-related fatality.

 Covid concerns have left significant unmet needs in the impacted areas and especially in the Eastwick section of Philadelphia which has the highest concentration of damage to both structures and mechanical systems.

We anticipate receiving our first teams in early May, 2021.

Along with following strict Covid guidelines on the worksites, the pandemic has also made it impossible for us to offer housing to volunteers. We are encouraging volunteers to commute from a radius of approximately 60 miles or to make their own housing arrangements in the area.

Project Focus: Repair and Rebuild; install heating systems and hot water heaters if licensed Contact: Judy Moore, Volunteer Coordinator 802-299-8290;

Group Size: 2 to 5 team members

Minimum Age: 18

Group Leadership: Skilled team leader and semiskilled assistant

Accommodations: None (due to Covid)

Cost: Housing (if teams are not commuting), transportation, food

Tools: Please bring general carpentry tools and a substantial first aid kit

Donations are deductible and always welcome: It is estimated that $320,000 will be required to meet the needs of the Eastwick community. To date $48,500 has been committed from the following organizations: Eastwick Neighbors and Friends Coalition, The Salvation Army, UCC Disaster Ministries, Lutheran Disaster Response – Eastern PA, and a local Go Fund Me effort.

Please earmark ‘Eastwick Recovery’ and send donations to: Eastwick Unmet Needs Roundtable St. Paul AME Church Ellwood 8398 Lindbergh Blvd., Philadelphia, PA 19153

All necessary information supplied upon contact.


If you would like to borrow a hymnal from the church, please let me know and I will arrange for you to receive one.


Trinity now has a blog where I am posting notes to the congregation and the text of my sermons.  If you would like to read these notes and messages, you can find them at:

I will “see” you in worship on Sunday!

Many blessings!!

Pastor Amelie

** Our painting is "Olive Trees" by Vincent Van Gogh. It is part of the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.**  

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

God's Will -- A Message for June 6, 2021


Scripture Reading            Mark 3:20-35

Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat. 

When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, “He is out of his mind.”

And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.”

So Jesus called them over to him and began to speak to them in parables: “How can Satan drive out Satan? 

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 

If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 

And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come. 

In fact, no one can enter a strong man’s house without first tying him up. Then he can plunder the strong man’s house. 

Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter, 

but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin.”

He said this because they were saying, “He has an impure spirit.”

Then Jesus’ mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him. 

A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you.”

“Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked.

Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

Here ends this reading of the word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Prayer for Understanding      

Loving God, our souls wait for you, more than those who watch for the morning. Send your Spirit upon us as your Word is read and interpreted, so that we will hear your voice and know the way of truth and love through Christ, the Living Word. Amen.

Message                                                      God’s Will

            On July 4, in 1776, one of the most important documents in American history was signed.  In a concise and clear statement, Thomas Jefferson concluded the Declaration of Independence by penning:

"We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; …

When our country declared its independence from the British Crown, there was not unity among the American people. One third of Americans remained loyal citizens of Britain.  Families were divided. Husbands are wives did not always agree.  Children did not always agree with their parents. Brothers did not always agree with their brothers and sisters did not always agree with their sisters.  Neighbors disagreed with neighbors. Some of these disagreements even resulted in neighbor taking up arms against neighbor and brother taking up arms against brother.

Churches and religious authorities also disagreed over the whether or not to separate from Britain.  American Presbyterians and Congregationalists tended to be supportive of the cause for freedom. The Church of England was divided – their priests had to take an oath of loyalty to the British king, which put American clergy in hot water if they sided with the American cause.   American Quakers split – some of the former pacifists decided to take up arms against Great Britain. The German Reformed churches supported the Revolutionary efforts and 20% of our ministers also served as chaplains in the American army.   Yet one of our most well-known clergymen, John Joachim Zubly, opposed the war despite his being a representative at the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia.

            In this morning’s reading, Jesus was being assaulted on all sides. A crowd gathered around him that was so large he and the disciples couldn’t eat. Jesus’ family came to the house and tried to seize him by saying he had lost his mind. A group of scribes and teachers came to the town to listen to Jesus and they declared he was possessed by a demon. 

            Jesus exclaimed:

If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. 

If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. 

We often hear references to this statement.  When the United States broke away from Great Britain, Great Britain changed immensely.  When the Confederate States tried to break away from the rest of the United States, it took years for our country to recover. Family relationships struggle to recover when members of the family are divided over important issues.

            God doesn’t stay on the sidelines. When Jesus’ family and the scribes and the crowds surrounded Jesus, he didn’t give up or give in.  Jesus didn’t say, “Oh, yes, family, I have lost my mind. I am coming with you.” Jesus didn’t say, “Oh right, scribes, I am just possessed by a demon, I will just remove myself and stop helping people.”

            Instead, Jesus said pointed out he expelling demons from people. He healed people. Jesus channeled the power of God into people and restored them to health. Satan doesn’t do this. Demons don’t heal people. In order for Jesus to have the power to heal and expel evil, he was authorized by God and filled with the Holy Spirit.

            Jesus also stood up to his biological family. Who knows the real reason why they were there….perhaps Jesus embarrassed them….perhaps Jesus drew up-welcome attention to them….perhaps they were fearful Jesus would be arrested and punished for upsetting the apple cart….perhaps they were trying to protect Jesus from being put to death for his teachings. Whatever it was, Jesus didn’t fold when his family came to take him away. Instead, Jesus said everyone who listens to God and works to do God’s will in the world was his family. In the revelations and teachings of Jesus, God was creating a new family of followers. Everyone who believes in God and works to follow God’s teachings is a child of God. We all become one another’s chosen family when we commit to follow God and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

            Today’s reading is a story of resilience. Jesus was called to change the world, and he didn’t allow public scrutiny, and religious leaders, and his family’s opinion stop him from doing his work.

            Sometimes we are tempted to avoid our true calling as Christians because it would be easier to be “side-line’ people. We don’t always want to be the players out on the field, doing God’s work in the world.  But as Christians, we are called to loosen the chains of injustice, to set the oppressed free, and to break every yoke. We are called to share our food with the hungry and to provide the homeless with shelter.  We are called to clothe the naked and to protect the weak and the vulnerable.

            Jesus said: “Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”  When we strive to do the work of God in the world, to care for the people who are lost, vulnerable and hurting, to lift up the fallen and let go of our own pride, then we will more fully live out the teachings of Jesus and will be fully embraced as the Children of God. 

            Let us live out Jesus’ teachings with love in our heart. Amen. 

Image is a stained glass of the Arrest of St. Patrick.  It is part of the Vanderbuilt Divinity Library:

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Mysterious Encounter -- A Message for May 30, 2021


Scripture Reading John 3:1-17

Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 

He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”

Jesus replied, “Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.”

“How can someone be born when they are old?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 

Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. 

You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’ 

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”

“How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.

“You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? 

Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know, and we testify to what we have seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony.

I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things? 

No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man.

Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,

that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.

Here ends this reading of the Word of God for the People of God. Thanks be to God.  Amen.

Prayer for Understanding

God of wisdom, with the wind of your Spirit, open our minds and hearts to receive your life-giving Word through the scriptures.  Energize us to follow Christ, your Living Word, wherever the Spirit moves us. Amen.

Message                             Mysterious Encounter   

            Three years ago today, I had my first Sunday at Trinity.  It was the day I gave my “trial sermon” and the congregation got to meet me and vote on whether or not to call me as your pastor.  I thought it was quite fitting that we would meet on the weekend that was both Memorial Day and Trinity Sunday.  Trinity Sunday at Trinity Christian United Church of Christ.

            Over a hundred and fifty years ago, when this church was founded, the name Trinity was applied to us and to our sister church, Trinity Reformed UCC in Collegeville.  Our forbearers in the church were guided by our loving God and held the Trinity as an important witness to their faith.  As the church of the Trinity, today is a very special Sunday for us.

            As we progress through the Christian year, each season focuses us on different aspects of our Gracious God – God is our Creator and Father. God is embodied in Jesus the Son. And, God is ever-present with us as the Holy Spirit.

When we worship God in our congregation, we focus on the different ways God relates to creation and to the people of the earth.  In the story of our faith, God first gave the Jewish people the tools needed to know about God. In  the time of Jesus, God extended those teachings to all people. In the stories of Jesus’ life on Earth, we read about how a part of God came to earth embodied in Jesus. God is not only the father of Jesus – God the Father and Jesus the Son are both aspects of God.  God created us all and relates to us as our Heavenly Father.  In our worship services, we tell many stories about Jesus, the part of God that came to earth as a human and worked to teach us about God’s priorities for our lives. As Jesus prepared to depart the earth in his bodily form, he told us God would come to be among the people of the earth in God’s “Spirit” form.  Last Sunday, we celebrated the anniversary of the Pentecost event, when the Holy Spirit came to earth and filled Jesus’ followers.  The Holy Spirit is the part of God that circulates in this room now, and is always with us to guide, strengthen and heal us.

            Our faith is Trinitarian – we believe in a God with several expressions – God as Creator and Father, God as Jesus and the Word, God as Spirit and Guide.  

            In the Islamic tradition, there are 99 Names for God – God is called “The Giver of Peace,” “The All-Compassionate,” “The Repeatedly Forgiving,” and 96 additional names.   Each name is used to describe one of God’s traits. Instead of focusing on these 99 traits, we condense the characteristics of God down to three in the Trinity: God is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: God is the Creator, the Redeemer, and Sustainer; God is the Parent, the Word, and the Advocate.  We are monotheistic, and have one God. But, our God has different attributes.

            We often have questions about God.  In our lives, when we wonder about questions in theology or Paterology (the study or God), we have lots of people to turn to….we can ask our pastor. We can ask fellow church members. We can ask our Christian friends. We can read our Bibles. We can read the books of Bible Scholars or theologians. We can pray. We have many places and people to whom we can direct our questions.

            In our reading for the day, the Pharisee Nicodemus also had many questions about Jesus’ teachings and how Jesus’ described God.  Unlike us, Nicodemus was blessed to live during the years of Jesus’ first journey on earth, so he could go right to the source. To complicate matters, though, Nicodemus had a high status as a Pharisee and member of the Jewish ruling Council. Jesus was a controversial figure in Jerusalem. In order to protect his reputation, Nicodemus came to speak to Jesus at night – Nicodemus sought Jesus out when no one would notice him going out to speak to Jesus.

            I love imaging Nicodemus dressing up in a disguise and sneaking around Jerusalem….his cloak up over his face…. Nicodemus timidly knocking at Jesus door. 

            Jesus did not give Nicodemus simple answers to his questions.  Oftentimes, when we read over Jesus’ statements, they make sense to us because we know the rest of the story….we know what happened next in the sequence of events that made up Jesus’ life.  And, we read Jesus’ words with a knowledge of how the Christian church evolved over the years.

            When we are baptized, the officiant invokes the Holy Spirit to fill us as the water is poured over our heads.  We are baptized with water and with the Holy Spirit. When Jesus talked to Nicodemus about being baptized with both water and the Spirit of God, Jesus described Christian baptism.  Our baptisms symbolically wash away our human mistakes and sins and transform us as we are filled with God’s Holy Spirit.

            Nicodemus struggled to understand what Jesus meant when he talked about being born again – For Christians, we believe our baptisms are our moment of re-birth. We become new people when we are baptized.

            In our tradition, we often baptize children when they are so young they haven’t committed any sins or had a chance to make mistakes.  Therefore, when young people are old enough to make commitments for themselves, we invite them to “confirm” their baptisms and make the baptismal promises on their own behalf.  The questions we ask parents at an infant baptism are the same questions we ask young adults at the Confirmation of the baptisms.  We also make the same promises if we are baptized as teenagers or adults and when we officially “join’ the church.

            During Christian baptisms, when the minister or priest pours water over the head of the person being baptized, we say the same words: I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Our Trinitarian understanding of how God relates to us, as Father, Jesus, and Holy Sprits, undergirds our faith.  At the moment of baptism, we are symbolically embraced by God the Father and Jesus the Son and we are filled with the Holy Spirit of God.

            Nicodemus had trouble understanding Jesus teachings. As people of faith, we are blessed to both understand and experience the rebirth available to us when we are baptized by water and the Holy Spirit.  And, we are also blessed to experience the work of God in our lives – God who creates us and parents us, God who came to us as Jesus and shared God’s word with us, and God who comes to us as the Holy Spirit to guide us, comfort us, heal us and encourage us. Thanks be to God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.            

** Our Artwork is "Holy Trinity" by Saint Andrei Rublev. It is a painted panel in Moscow, Russia. **

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  I am Amelie Castillo….I have been the pastor at Trinity Christian UCC in Skippack since 2018….almost 7 years. It is a pleasure to be with ...