Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Moving with Mary's Song -- A Message for December 19, 2021

Scripture Reading            Luke 1:39-56

At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 

where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 

When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 

In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 

But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 

As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. 

Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

Mary’s Song

And Mary said:

“My soul glorifies the Lord

and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,

for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.

From now on all generations will call me blessed,

for the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.

His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.

He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.

He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.

He has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.

He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful

to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.”

Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.

Here ends this reading of the Word of God for the People of God. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Prayer for Understanding

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of our hearts be always acceptable in your sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer. Amen.

Message                             Moving with Mary’s Song

            In 2021, in just 3 and a half hours, you can take a bus from Nazareth in Israel to Hebron in Palestine.  The towns are 220 kilometers or 137 miles away from each other.

            When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel, he told her that not only was she going to become pregnant with a miracle child, but that her cousin Elizabeth was already pregnant with a miracle baby.  Elizabeth was older and was beyond her childbearing years.  And, Elizabeth was not able to become pregnant during her childbearing years. So, Elizabeth was doubly blessed with her miracle baby.

            After learning of the pregnancies, Mary quickly got ready and travelled to Hebron. A 3 and a half hour bus ride distance takes at least 40 hours to walk.  So, figuring an in-shape pregnant woman or girl can walk 8 hours a day, it would have taken Mary at least 6 days to walk to Elizabeth’s home.

            But, Mary wanted to be with Elizabeth – her relative, her cousin, a nurturing member of her family. For Mary, Elizabeth was perhaps the only other person who could relate to her plight – pregnant with the help of the Holy Spirit, given the responsibility to birth and raise an extraordinary child, given a mothering task that was laden with pressure and exceptional challenges.

            Plus, Mary had the problem of finding herself unmarried and pregnant. Although she was betrothed to Joseph, they weren’t married all the way.   The people of Nazareth would have wondered at the cause of Mary’s pregnancy. She at risk for malicious gossip and shunning. Mary was a risk of being stoned or killed for her unusual pregnancy.  It was safer for Mary to head out of town and find rest and consolation alongside Elizabeth.

            Res t and consolation is not something we have a lot of as we prepare for Christmas. In this season when we direct our attention to celebrating the birth of Jesus – the holy breaking into the mundane – we add a lot of extras to our schedule. We put pressure on ourselves to find the perfect presents and decorate our houses with finery. We add extra activities to our lives – work Christmas parties and holiday friend gatherings. We stay up later than normal trying to get everything done. We probably do the opposite of what OBGYN’s tell pregnant women to do – we take on more work and more tasks, sleep less, eat more and stress out about all kinds of things. We should take a lesson from Mary and step away from our work and seek consolation and rest.

            I hope we work to embrace a Marian approach to the birth of Jesus. Mary turned her attention to God and praised God for God’s mercy. Mary appreciated that God is present in the humble – God didn’t chose for Jesus to be born to a princess who lived an easy life surrounded by servants and bonbons. ..God chose for Jesus to be born to a poor mom and a working man, a carpenter. Mary would have spent her days grinding wheat and baking bread, washing clothing and spinning wool, stirring pots and weeding gardens, hauling water long distances from the well and making sure goats didn’t break out of then pens. And, after Jesus’ birth, Mary also had to change diapers and wipe snotty noses. Mary remained faithful and humble as Jesus grew up to be the savior of the world.

            What does it say about God that he chose a lowly women to be Jesus’ mom?  What does it say about God that he chose to have Jesus grow up in a poor working family?

            In our society, in America of the 21st century, we glorify the wealthy. This year, the Time Magazine person of the year is Elon Musk, a rich entrepreneur. We watch tv series about kings and queens, we read articles about the exploits of the rich and famous, we aspire to become like the wealthy and drive luxury cars and live in posh homes. We admire the both people born into wealth and are especially impressed with self-made men and women.

            Yet, God chose for Jesus to be born to a humble village girl. Jesus grew up in a small, rural town. Jesus didn’t go to the best schools or wear the latest fashions—as far as we know, Jesus didn’t go to school at all. 

            God values things that our culture distains.  God values humility. God loves people who are poor. God wants us to treat each other with kindness and fairness. God is more impressed with the sincerity of our heart than with the weight of our wallets. God wants us to focus on serving God and helping others, not just on making wealth to serve ourselves.

            In Mary’s song, she says: God has filled the hungry with good things but has sent the rich away empty.  Friends, we are the rich. Compared to most people in the world, average Americans like us are the rich. And, as the rich, we must work to be cognizant that the things our society emphasizes: wealth, celebrity, idolizing people like Elon Musk – these things our culture values are inherently empty.  God has sent the rich away empty.

            We must remember that our lives are dependent on working to be more like Jesus – to live lives embracing the teachings and values of our God. And, to do so, we must work to free ourselves from the values of our world. Instead of admiring the wealthy, we must put our hope in God. God wants us to share our extras…to love our fellow men and women…to support those who are weak…to wipe away the tears of those who are grieving….to help lift up the people who are struggling.

            We want our lives to be filled with the goodness and the glory of God. Jesus came to earth to teach us how to declare independence from the shallow things the secular world values. Let us work to live lives of compassion and care for the people of our world and to live lives recognizing and appreciating the glory and grace of our God.

            May we do so in love. Amen. 

Photo by Juli Kosolapova on Unsplash

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Love in Every Part of Christmas -- A Message for December 12, 2021


Scripture Reading Luke 1:26-38

In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, 

to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. 

The angel went to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”

Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. 

But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favor with God. 

You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 

He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, 

and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.”

“How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God. 

Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. 

For no word from God will ever fail.”

“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

Here ends this reading of the Word of God for the People of God. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Message                  “Love in Every Part of Christmas”    

Many centuries ago, when Mary found herself in the presence of the angel, she had several choices to make. The angel told Mary she had an important job to do for God, and Mary had to choose to do the job or not.

Mary could have pulled a Jonah – when God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people to repent, Jonah ran in the opposite direction. He only did what God wanted after he was thrown off a ship, swallowed by a fish, and spit out onto dry land. Mary could have run away and tried to hide from God.

Mary could have told the angel she was too busy to do what God wanted….she could have protested that she was busy planning a wedding and didn’t have time to add pregnancy and motherhood into the mix.

Mary could have told the angel she was too young to take on the responsibility of doing what God wanted. The prophet Jeremiah tried to tell God he was too young to be a prophet. But, the Lord said to Jeremiah: “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’, for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.” So, that excuse had not worked for Jeremiah, but Mary could have tried anyway.

Mary could have said that she was only a girl, and girls aren’t supposed to do important things for God. Even in 2021, we hear about churches who prohibit women from preaching because of that one line penned by Paul that said he wouldn’t permit a woman to teach or assume authority over a man….notice, Paul took credit for the rule, not God. But, the centuries that preceded Mary’s life had Sarah, and Rebecca, and Ruth, and Naomi, and Rahab, and Rachael, and Hannah, and Miriam, and Deborah, and Huldah, and Esther doing important things for God…they preached, and judged, and gave birth to nations, and protected their people, and prophesied on God’s behalf, so the “only a girl” excuse wouldn’t have cut it with God.

Fortunately for humanity, Mary didn’t make up excuses. She asked a question….a clarifying question: how is this possible since I am a virgin? And, then, after the Angel told Mary God’s Holy Spirit would come upon her and a blessed pregnancy would result, Mary gave a faithful and love-filled response to the Angel. Mary said: “I am the Lord’s servant….May your word to me be fulfilled.”

Mary, who was young, said yes to God. Mary, who was female, said yes to God. Mary, who was scared, said yes to God. Mary, who was busy, said yes to God. And, as a result, she helped bring forth the Messiah into the world. Mary was willing to take on the responsibility of becoming the mother of Jesus, the Messiah, the Christ. A young, brave girl was willing to respond to God with a “loving yes.”

I suspect many of the people sitting in this room or watching today over facebook are going to be asked to do important things for God. I suspect people listening to this sermon have already had to make ethical choices in their lives and will continue to have to make ethical choices about whether to choose to act in a Christian way verses the easier way or the more selfish way. Sometimes, our faith compels us to stand up for what is right, even when by doing so we may be bullied or punished or become unpopular or become unemployed. Sometimes our faith calls us to be brave, or uncomfortable, or get ourselves in situations we would not choose to be in.

But, like Mary, we need to forgo the excuses. Like Mary, we must respond to God with a “Loving yes!”

May be listen to God’s call and commands, and say yes to God.

Friday, December 10, 2021

A Message to the Trinity Family for December 9, 2021 -- Musical Service Sunday, Blue Christmas, Christmas Eve, Thank Yous


Greetings Trinity Family,

I pray that everyone in our extended church family is doing well.  We have a lot of things happening in-person and on-line at Trinity.  I hope you will be a part of our upcoming activities and worship opportunities!

You no longer need to RSVP for our in-person worship service on Sunday morning at 10:15. Please join us! 


Last winter, we Tuesday evenings became our set aside time for adults in our community to explore our faith together. On December 14, and 21, we will gather together for a 7 pm conversation on Zoom. Our topic is called “Life Shared” and consists of three sessions to encourage and equip Christians to share our faith with others. Often, we are shy about talking to others about our faith. This brief class helps us to have simple tools to talk about our faith with others. Please let Pastor Amelie know if you would like to join our group.


Trinity is a collection site for local effort to collect winter items for local community members. The collection bin is on the porch of the Education building. Requested items are gift cards to local supermarkets, cleaning supplies, new socks and undergarments, laundry soap, diapers, personal care items, coats, hats, gloves, blankets, and books for children and babies.  The items will be distributed to local Montgomery agencies including the Daily Bread Food Pantry. The collection will be ongoing until December 16.


Trinity’s Angel Tree is in the church narthex. On the tree are tags with gift requests for children whose family uses the services of the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry. The gifts are for children of all ages and include a variety of options. If you are interested in purchasing a gift, please take the tag and then place the unwrapped gift under the tree by December 19.  Please keep In mind that the parents are only able to pick three gifts for each child, so it is better to buy one large gift rather than a lot of small gifts. The Food Pantry does not need any more Barbie dolls. The Human Services Committee thanks you for your continued support.    


If you would like to purchase a plant in honor or memory of a loved one, please fill out one of the envelopes on the table in the Narthex and place it in the offering plate, or give it directly to Harry Crossgrove. Plants are $7.00 each. Orders are due no later than Sunday, December 12th. You will be able to take your plants home after the Christmas Eve Service.


We will gather for our Blue Christmas Service on the 17th of December at 6 pm. This is a service for those who are struggling with the Christmas season--those who are grieving, those who are sad, those who are lonely. We will gather to pray, to mourn, and to battle the forces of darkness.


This year, Christmas Eve is on a Friday evening. We will gather for only one worship service at 7 pm. The service will be for all-ages and will included a retelling of the Christmas story, Christmas Carols, Holy Communion, and Candle lighting.  Please join us for this special evening and opportunity to welcome the Christ child.


Dear Members & Friends of Trinity,

It has been another challenging and interesting year for many of us.  I feel that if I say this too often, you will stop believing me......but I want to say how proud and thankful I am for this extremely generous congregation!  We ask you to contribute to a lot of different causes, and you ALWAYS respond generously to the many requests.  

I personally want to thank everyone that participated in the Christmas outreach project for the 110 seniors that rely on the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry.  Each senior received a Christmas gift bag from our congregation which included body lotion, a 10 pack of pocket Kleenex, word search book, deck of cards, 350 piece puzzle, six magnetic bookmarks, tablet & pen, crocheted washcloth & dish soap, pair of socks, peanut butter crackers, tea bags, and a bag of candy.  The seniors also received a Christmas box filled with lots of homemade cookies.

I specifically want to thank all those friends and members of Trinity that donated money to purchase items for the gift bags, baked homemade cookies, decorated gift bags, and helped pack the bags and cookie containers.

A special thank you goes to Ruth Ann Christ for crocheting 110 wash cloths!  They looked beautiful!

We would also like to thank Wegmans of Collegeville for donating a $150 gift card to purchase some of the items.

We are a generous church that is continuing to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in need!  THANK YOU for all your support once again.  

I pray that you are blessed with a wonderful Christmas, and may 2022 bring you good health and many blessings.  

Peace Be With You,

Nancy Gallagher

Human Service Committee


Christians in the 21st century are often in settings where we are in the minority. Our co-workers, friends, and family members are not always people who prioritize their faith. Starting on Tuesdays in January, we will begin a 12 week course called “God-At-Work: Live Each Day with Purpose.” The course combines videos with discussion. The video host is Ken Costa, a Christian who works in the banking industry. The course focuses on learning to integrate your faith and work and becoming an agent of the kingdom of God in your workplace. The teachings of this course are helpful for people who are retired and who don’t have traditional occupations in addition to 9 to 5 workers. The course will begin meeting over Zoom on January 4 and will continue to March 22. Please let Pastor Amelie know if you would like to join our course.


We continue to collect food and toiletry items for the Daily Bread Food Pantry.  They can be left at the doors of the church.

The Daily Bread's Current needs change every few weeks. This is their latest list of needs:

Children’s cereal

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Side Dish Kits (hamburger/tuna helper)




Muffin Mixes

White rice


The Daily Bread Community Food Pantry is working to support the families whose homes were damaged in the flooding caused by Hurricane Ida. Many people have been left homeless as a result of the devastating floods that ravaged our area several weeks ago. In an effort to help those that have been affected, the Daily Bread is collecting $25 gift cards for Target, Walmart and local restaurants.  They are asking that we write notes of encouragement to go with the gift cards. Please do not seal them. The gift cards can be dropped off at the church or placed in the offering plate.

Thank you for your generosity!


We are now singing hymns in worship!! And, we are not taking temperatures.

We are keeping a list of the names of attendees for contact tracing purposes.

The decision was made to continue to wear masks during our in-person services, until the children have the opportunity to be vaccinated. We are still socially distancing and having sanitizer available. Thank you to everyone for their concern and diligence during this time.

Hopefully it won’t be much longer before all restrictions are lifted and everyone is vaccinated.


Lunch Bunch is our Tuesday afternoon Bible Study.  Everyone is invited to join us on Tuesdays at 12 pm.  Please bring your own lunch. (In the past, we had a potluck lunch, but for now each person will bring their own food.)  Lunch Bunch typically studies the portion of the Bible that will be the focus of our worship service on the upcoming Sunday. 


We are looking for volunteers who are willing to learn how to live-stream the worship services.  If you are willing, please let Bill Vogl or Pastor Amelie know and we will show you how to do it.  There are a few steps involved, but most computer users will be able to easily learn the process.


Although things are not fully back to normal, Trinity’s expenses have continued throughout the pandemic.  We know that everyone’s work-life has been disrupted during this time and we don’t expect everyone to be able to contribute to the church in the amount you were able to contribute in the past.  If you have the means to contribute to the church, you may drop off your offerings during the Sunday Morning service, at the church office, or you may mail it to our address: Trinity Christian UCC; 2009 Church Road, PO Box 538, Skippack, PA 19474


Our Outreach committee is inviting everyone in our congregation to join us in sharing messages from the “Don’t Give Up” movement.  This outreach was started to encourage people who are considering suicide to not give up.  We have yard signs, postcards, stickers, and business cards with messages that say things like “You are Enough” and “Your Mistakes Don’t Define You.” These messages are especially important right now as many people are struggling with their mental and emotional health after the many months of our pandemic.  Please pick up yard signs at church and other signs to promote this message of love for our neighbors.  Here is more about the movement:  https://www.dontgiveupsigns.com/


We now have in-person worship services in our sanctuary.  We are maintain social distance guidelines and wearing masks.

We are no longer offering a ZOOM worship service.

On Sunday mornings, you are also invited to join us on Facebook:

Join us for our Sunday morning hymn sing at 9:45 am live-streamed from the Trinity Christian UCC Skippack facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/TrinityUCCSkippack

10:15 Facebook livestream Worship.  You can find us at our "Trinity Christian UCC Skippack" facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/TrinityUCCSkippack


We have a Sunday morning Bible Study IN-PERSON OR ON ZOOM at 8:30 am. 

Amelie Sell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Trinity's Wired Word Discussion Group
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 769 3381 3590
Password: 7qLSWw


Trinity now has a blog where I am posting notes to the congregation and the text of my sermons.  If you would like to read these notes and messages, you can find them at: www.trinityskippack.blogspot.com

I will see you in worship on Sunday!

Many blessings!!

Pastor Amelie

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Made Ready -- A Message for December 5, 2021


Luke 3:1-6

In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar—when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, Herod tetrarch of Galilee, his brother Philip tetrarch of Iturea and Traconitis, and Lysanias tetrarch of Abilene— 

during the high-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness. 

He went into all the country around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. 

As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet:

“A voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
    make straight paths for him.
Every valley shall be filled in,
    every mountain and hill made low.
The crooked roads shall become straight,
    the rough ways smooth.
And all people will see God’s salvation.’”

Here ends this reading of the Word of God for the People of God. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Prayer for Understanding

Let us pray: Take my lips, O Lord, and speak through them. Take our minds and think with them. Take our hearts and set them on fire; though Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

            When I was little, my mother worked at a daycare center. She brought home games and rhymes and songs she learned there and taught them to me. I loved singing the rhyming round “Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar.” Do you know it?

            It is a sung round that goes in a loop.  Someone asks, “Who stole the cookies from the Cookie Jar?” They then playfully accuse one of the children by saying: “Laura stole the cookies from the cookie jar.” Laura would then ask, “Who me?” and the rest of the kids would say, “Yes you.” Laura would then deny the theft by saying, “Not me.” And the kids would ask, “Then who?” Laura would then accuse another kid: “Bruce stole the cookies form the cookie jar.” And the rhyming verse continues.

            As I reflect back on the song, it seems a little weird to accuse kids of stealing cookies. But, we know that even very young children succumb to temptations…I suspect most young children have secretly eaten a cookie or a piece of candy or snuck a piece of gum out of Mom’s purse.

            And, if Mom or Dad or Grandma catches a 4 year old with crumbs all over their face and their clothing streaked with cookie goo, most children know they are supposed to apologize for taking a cookie. But, there is a difference between apologizing and saying you are sorry for something and feeling truly repentant for doing something wrong.  Repentance is more than an apology.

            The Evangelical Catechism described True Repentance as “conviction of sin, sorrow for sin, confession and renunciation of sin, and longing for grace.” When John the Baptist appeared in area around the Jordan, he invited people to a baptism of repentance. John invited God-followers to admit to their mistakes and sins, be sorrowful, confess and renounce their mistakes and sins, and ask God for grace. John’s baptism was a baptism to show repentance – to show that the person coming forward was truly sorry and hoped for God’s forgiveness and grace.

            John was a prophet, the final prophet who prepared people for the coming of the Messiah, Jesus. Like earlier prophets, John was a religious extremist – he was so focused on spreading his message that he lived apart from others and was remarkably devout. John had faithful parents – his dad, Zechariah was a priest and his mother Elizabeth was a deeply religious women. An angel visited Zechariah when Elizabeth became pregnant and the angel told Zechariah John would bring back many people to the Lord their God. John’s calling was to make ready a people prepared for the Messiah.

            John invited people to become ready for Jesus. They were called to recommit to their faith in God. They were called to repent for their mistakes and be washed of their sins in the act of baptism.

            In this season of Advent, we are also invited to become ready for Jesus. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of this season, we are called to stop…pause…to recommit to our faith in God…to repent of our mistakes and sins…and to remember our baptism.  Our baptisms were a visible sing of an invisible event – we were reconciled to God.   This means that in baptism God works in us the power of forgiveness, the renewal of the Spirit, and the knowledge of the call to be God’s people always.

            God isn’t worried about the beauty of our Christmas decorations or how delicious our Christmas cookies are. God is not worried about whether we have the ugliest of the ugly Christmas sweaters or if we found the perfect present for Great Aunt Maude. God isn’t worried if we have written all of our Christmas cards or if the star on top of our tree is crooked. 

Instead, God cares about our hearts. God wants us to repent of our mistakes and sins. God wants us to remember our baptisms and the grace that is poured out into us by God’s Holy Spirit. God wants us to work to live out our faith by the actions we take and the words we speak and the kindnesses we extend to others. God wants us to work to be ready for Jesus.

            Let us do so with love in our hearts. Amen. 

Friday, December 3, 2021

Message to the Trinity Family for December 3, 2021 -- Advent Tuesday Study, Winter Collection Drive, Christmas Angel Tree, Pointsettia Orders, Blue Christmas Service, Christmas Eve


Greetings Trinity Family,

I pray that everyone in our extended church family is doing well.  We have a lot of things happening in-person and on-line at Trinity.  I hope you will be a part of our upcoming activities and worship opportunities!

You no longer need to RSVP for our in-person worship service on Sunday morning at 10:15. Please join us! 


Last winter, we Tuesday evenings became our set aside time for adults in our community to explore our faith together. On December 7, 14, and 21, we will gather together for a 7 pm conversation on Zoom. Our topic is called “Life Shared” and consists of three sessions to encourage and equip Christians to share our faith with others. Often, we are shy about talking to others about our faith. This brief class helps us to have simple tools to talk about our faith with others. Please let Pastor Amelie know if you would like to join our group.


Trinity is a collection site for local effort to collect winter items for local community members. The collection bin is on the porch of the Education building. Requested items are gift cards to local supermarkets, cleaning supplies, new socks and undergarments, laundry soap, diapers, personal care items, coats, hats, gloves, blankets, and books for children and babies.  The items will be distributed to local Montgomery agencies including the Daily Bread Food Pantry. The collection will be ongoing until December 16.


Trinity’s Angel Tree is in the church narthex. On the tree are tags with gift requests for children whose family uses the services of the Daily Bread Community Food Pantry. The gifts are for children of all ages and include a variety of options. If you are interested in purchasing a gift, please take the tag and then place the unwrapped gift under the tree by December 19.  Please keep In mind that the parents are only able to pick three gifts for each child, so it is better to buy one large gift rather than a lot of small gifts. The Food Pantry does not need any more Barbie dolls. The Human Services Committee thanks you for your continued support.    


If you would like to purchase a plant in honor or memory of a loved one, please fill out one of the envelopes on the table in the Narthex and place it in the offering plate, or give it directly to Harry Crossgrove. Plants are $7.00 each. Orders are due no later than Sunday, December 12th. You will be able to take your plants home after the Christmas Eve Service.


We will gather for our Blue Christmas Service on the 17th of December at 6 pm. This is a service for those who are struggling with the Christmas season--those who are grieving, those who are sad, those who are lonely. We will gather to pray, to mourn, and to battle the forces of darkness.


This year, Christmas Eve is on a Friday evening. We will gather for only one worship service at 7 pm. The service will be for all-ages and will included a retelling of the Christmas story, Christmas Carols, Holy Communion, and Candle lighting.  Please join us for this special evening and opportunity to welcome the Christ child.


Christians in the 21st century are often in settings where we are in the minority. Our co-workers, friends, and family members are not always people who prioritize their faith. Starting on Tuesdays in January, we will begin a 12 week course called “God-At-Work: Live Each Day with Purpose.” The course combines videos with discussion. The video host is Ken Costa, a Christian who works in the banking industry. The course focuses on learning to integrate your faith and work and becoming an agent of the kingdom of God in your workplace. The teachings of this course are helpful for people who are retired and who don’t have traditional occupations in addition to 9 to 5 workers. The course will begin meeting over Zoom on January 4 and will continue to March 22. Please let Pastor Amelie know if you would like to join our course.


We continue to collect food and toiletry items for the Daily Bread Food Pantry.  They can be left at the doors of the church.

The Daily Bread's Current needs change every few weeks. This is their latest list of needs:

Children’s cereal

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Side Dish Kits (hamburger/tuna helper)




Muffin Mixes

White rice


The Daily Bread Community Food Pantry is working to support the families whose homes were damaged in the flooding caused by Hurricane Ida. Many people have been left homeless as a result of the devastating floods that ravaged our area several weeks ago. In an effort to help those that have been affected, the Daily Bread is collecting $25 gift cards for Target, Walmart and local restaurants.  They are asking that we write notes of encouragement to go with the gift cards. Please do not seal them. The gift cards can be dropped off at the church or placed in the offering plate.

Thank you for your generosity!


We are now singing hymns in worship!! And, we are not taking temperatures.

We are keeping a list of the names of attendees for contact tracing purposes.

The decision was made to continue to wear masks during our in-person services, until the children have the opportunity to be vaccinated. We are still socially distancing and having sanitizer available. Thank you to everyone for their concern and diligence during this time.

Hopefully it won’t be much longer before all restrictions are lifted and everyone is vaccinated.


Lunch Bunch is our Tuesday afternoon Bible Study.  Everyone is invited to join us on Tuesdays at 12 pm.  Please bring your own lunch. (In the past, we had a potluck lunch, but for now each person will bring their own food.)  Lunch Bunch typically studies the portion of the Bible that will be the focus of our worship service on the upcoming Sunday. 


We are looking for volunteers who are willing to learn how to live-stream the worship services.  If you are willing, please let Bill Vogl or Pastor Amelie know and we will show you how to do it.  There are a few steps involved, but most computer users will be able to easily learn the process.


Although things are not fully back to normal, Trinity’s expenses have continued throughout the pandemic.  We know that everyone’s work-life has been disrupted during this time and we don’t expect everyone to be able to contribute to the church in the amount you were able to contribute in the past.  If you have the means to contribute to the church, you may drop off your offerings during the Sunday Morning service, at the church office, or you may mail it to our address: Trinity Christian UCC; 2009 Church Road, PO Box 538, Skippack, PA 19474


Our Outreach committee is inviting everyone in our congregation to join us in sharing messages from the “Don’t Give Up” movement.  This outreach was started to encourage people who are considering suicide to not give up.  We have yard signs, postcards, stickers, and business cards with messages that say things like “You are Enough” and “Your Mistakes Don’t Define You.” These messages are especially important right now as many people are struggling with their mental and emotional health after the many months of our pandemic.  Please pick up yard signs at church and other signs to promote this message of love for our neighbors.  Here is more about the movement:  https://www.dontgiveupsigns.com/


We now have in-person worship services in our sanctuary.  We are maintain social distance guidelines and wearing masks.

We are no longer offering a ZOOM worship service.

On Sunday mornings, you are also invited to join us on Facebook:

Join us for our Sunday morning hymn sing at 9:45 am live-streamed from the Trinity Christian UCC Skippack facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/TrinityUCCSkippack

10:15 Facebook livestream Worship.  You can find us at our "Trinity Christian UCC Skippack" facebook page.  https://www.facebook.com/TrinityUCCSkippack


We have a Sunday morning Bible Study on ZOOM at 8:30 am.  This is a new meeting time. Here is the link to log in:

Amelie Sell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Trinity's Wired Word Discussion Group
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 769 3381 3590
Password: 7qLSWw


Trinity now has a blog where I am posting notes to the congregation and the text of my sermons.  If you would like to read these notes and messages, you can find them at: www.trinityskippack.blogspot.com

I will see you in worship on Sunday!

Many blessings!!

Pastor Amelie

Giving Up Anger -- A Message for Ash Wednesday 2025

  I am Amelie Castillo….I have been the pastor at Trinity Christian UCC in Skippack since 2018….almost 7 years. It is a pleasure to be with ...